Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Which One of the Plumbing Boys Would Make a Better Boy Who Lived and Why is it Joel Duscher?

June 12, 2016

In which our heroes get born, survive an attack from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and wish our parents weren't dead while asking which one of us would make a better Boy Who Lived and why is it Joel Duscher? It's an emotional journey as we recruit an entire Quiditch team as our friends, try our best to memorise Duscher’s family tree and remember what being 11 is like. Jackson reimagines Harry as a monster, Zammit attempts too many accents and Duscher just wants to remind everyone when the PS2 was released. It's a philosophical adventure as we try to reach the sorcerer’s stone locked within Hogwarts by sending our best man forward, Joel C. Duscher. The C Stands for (Sick) Cunt.

Want to help Duscher live out his fantasy? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, we’re sure we can buy a time-turner to ensure these evens come to pass.

And don’t forget to purchase your copy of Plumbing the Death Star Vol. 1 right now available at and vote for us in the Podcast Awards here!