Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

Are Muppets Second Class Citizens?

May 15, 2016

In which our heroes play the music, light the lights, and meet the muppets on the muppet show tonight as they discuss whether or not Muppets are second-class citizens. We talk about the world of entertainment, ask some hard hitting questions about relationships and put the Muppets on the “Rights Spectrum”. Jackson calls Sesame Street a slum, Zammit doesn't remember what Gonzo does and Duscher just claims that maybe Muppets can vote and they just don’t want to. So join the gang as they mock their own friends and fight for the rights of chickens everywhere. Chickens are Muppets and Muppet are People!

Want to figure that out with your modern day science? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can solve the Gonzo situation.

Make something of yourself in this crazy world? Do us a favour and go to and sign up to get into the entertainment industry so you can get the vote!

Come see D&D is for Nerds Live Dungeon Crawl on the 28th of May, you can book tickets here:

And don’t forget to purchase your copy of Plumbing the Death Star Vol. 1 right now available at