Plumbing the Death Star

Plumbing the Death Star

What are the Consequences of Inside Out? (Feat. Michael Williams)

March 27, 2016

In which our heroes get inside your head, haphazardly press a few buttons and try to work out where Apathy went to while wondering what would be the consequences of Inside Out? We look at the complexity of the control panel, try and figure out how anti-depressants might work work and slam the puberty button to see what happens. Jackson is concerned about the effects of clumsiness, Zammit gets passionate over emotional programming and Michael gets sad when he remembers Bing Bong. It’s a real emotional journey as we discover how feelings work.

To find more of Michael’s Duck Tales podcast head to, for his Pop Quiz Hot Shot podcast just head to and listen in to the time Zoe beat Steele in a Star Wars quiz. Also if you’re in Melbourne for the Comedy Festival head to and if they use the code DUCKBLUR you get 2-for-1 and may even see us there!

Want to help balance Jackson’s emotions? Head to and for as little as $1 a month, you can ensure his emotions don’t eat other emotions.

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