The Plumbing SEO Podcast

The Plumbing SEO Podcast

Plumbing SEO & Preparing for A.I. Integrated Search (Part 1)

July 03, 2023

art 1 of this Plumbing SEO podcast episode series features Nolen and Jason discussing the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for plumbing businesses. 

Here are the key points:

- AI integration in SEO is primarily a new presentation with a few new filters to determine what to show. It's still working off the same information as traditional SEO.

- Google's search results page now features infinite scroll, making the "above the fold" content more important than ever. This might increase the value of positions 11 through 20 as users are more likely to keep scrolling.

- Fundamental SEO practices should not be abandoned. Good SEO practices are still valuable, and bad ones are still detrimental. The definition of good and bad SEO has mostly stayed the same, but the focus has tightened on content.

- Tools like DataPins can enhance web presence but can't fix a lousy web effort alone. Google is still judging your digital brand signaling and the health of the brand.

- AI should not be used to write content, as Google penalizes AI-written content that is not properly edited and fact-checked.

- Bing is gaining some traction due to ChatGPT, but it's still primarily an answer engine, not a marketing and advertising engine.

- Old-school SEO, defined as black hat or trying to trick Google, has been taking a hit lately.

- To rank well, brands must have their content just right, structured properly for their area, regular updates and changes, good quality practices, speed, SSL certificates, and professional SEO services.

-The integration of AI in SEO is not expected to increase results for a plumber, but it might change who's getting the results.

Contact Plumbing Webmasters for assistance with new SEO changes.