Playing Games with Strangers

Latest Episodes
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 008: You’re Lion to Me
008 - You're Lion to MeThe ground is purple, time is distance, and things might be getting back into order. At least for an inch (minute?). Until we learn about even bigger problems that are coming after the party and show no signs of stopping.F
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 007: Into the Feywild
007 - Into the FeywildAnd we're off on an adventure! After successfully making it into the Feywild, the party encounters some unique situations as they continue on their quest to find poor Skellene's skin. Maybe the local town will hold the answers t
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 006: Are You My Mother?
006 - Are You My Mother?Nothing like a trip to the necromancer to really lighten the mood and lift the spirits literally! Things don't exactly go as planned when returning to Nick, but the party takes it all in stride.Featuring the vocal talent
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 005: There, But Not There
005 - There, But Not ThereThe party chases after Zellene, who wakes from a deep sleep convinced that she has to return home. Reality, time, and everyone's understanding of the arcane might be challenged by the time it's all over.Featuring the vo
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 004: Foot Inn Mouth
004 - Foot Inn MouthThe party can't help but pick up new strays where ever they go, and lose money at the same time it seems. With time to kill before returning to Dr. Nick, there's no telling how much trouble they can get into.Featuring the vo
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 003: A Bakers Dozen
003 - A Bakers DozenSeven friends and too many pieces of recovered rat head off to see Dr. Nick in hopes of finding a fix for Zellene's new cosmetic problem. Results may vary.Featuring the vocal talents of: Amanda Clements, Ben Avery, Celeste M
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 002: I Found It!
002 - I Found It!Bringing new meaning to 'Don't lose your head!', Zellene's gone and lost her skin instead. While Fenwyck and Ebb take an interesting approach to solving the problem, the crew decides to seek outside help.Featuring the vocal tal
Nightmares & Dreamscapes – 001: The Story Begins
The time has finally arrived... the first release of Playing Games with Strangers second campaign, Nightmares & Dreamscapes!001 - The Story BeginsUnpleasant nightmares, chance encounters, and perhaps some proof that mice really are smarter than a
The Pine Springs Chronicles – 004: You Got A Friend In Me
The fourth and final part of The Pine Springs Chronicles preview is here!We hope you enjoy the prelude episodes and head over to our Patreon page to continue listening and find some other exclusive content you might enjoy.Cast CreditsK
The Pine Springs Chronicles – 003: Save The Cows
It's the third part of The Pine Springs Chronicles!This will be an ongoing Sidequest that Squid is running using the Monster of the Week RPG system. The first few episodes will be released here and on our Patreon, as this Sidequest will become a Patre