Playful and Confident

Playful and Confident

Bridget from Los Angeles

August 09, 2015

Age: 26
Occupation: Actress and model
Interests: Comedy, movies, acting and cooking a mean Mac andamp; Cheese
Show Overview:

In this episode we meet Bridget from Los Angeles and get to talking about:

The differences between growing up in North Carolina and living as a city girl in Los Angeles.
She shares a tip on the best way to start a conversation with someone you want to meet in a coffee shop.
How learning a second language can be good for work and your dates and a great tool she found for free to teach herself Spanish.
Why meeting someone at your work can be difficult and an uncomfortable situation that happened to her as a result.
How cooking with someone you care about can be a very fun and romantic experience.
She shares her secret ingredient to making the best Mac and Cheese ever and how she won her cook off with it.
How long to wait to call after a successful date.
Whats the best way of communicating these days, calling or texting.
Thoughts on how not to appear creepy and the need for personal space when just starting to date someone new.
How attraction can be both instant or grow over time and how each relationship came about.
How really good conversations can lead to new friendships.
What kind of grooming habits are important to boosting your attraiveness and why.