Playbook For Amazon

Playbook For Amazon

Amazon’s Brand-Creator Marketplace to Expand Your Reach with Amazon Creators

March 23, 2023

Introducing Creator Connections:
Amazon’s Brand-Creator Marketplace for Increased Reach

Amazon recently launched Creator Connections, a brand creator marketplace that connects sellers with Amazon creators to increase their brand reach. This marketplace allows sellers to connect with Amazon affiliates without having to search for them organically or pay for third-party services. Creators develop content about the seller’s product to help customers make purchases. The current offering, Affiliate Plus, is a pay-for-performance ad model that pays a bonus commission for every qualified sale during a campaign window. This model does not charge any service fees, and brands can request campaigns at any time. Seller participation helps share the Creator Connections marketplace, and they gain access to an all-inclusive end-to-end campaign management program with performance metrics. If interested, sellers can contact Turnkey Product Management to get the sign-up link.

How is Amazon's Creator Connections revolutionizing influencer marketing for brands