Playbook For Amazon

Playbook For Amazon

Episode 97: How to Get More Amazon Product Reviews: Tips to Increase Trust in Your Product

October 04, 2023

5 Proven Ways to Get More Amazon Product Reviews
Product reviews make or break products on Amazon. Just glance at a listing with 50+ ratings averaging 4.5 stars, and you’ll be hooked. A listing with zero reviews? Not so tempting. As an Amazon seller, getting reviews is crucial for driving conversions and establishing credibility. But where do you start when your product is still unknown?
In this podcast, Amazon expert Mary goes over some proven tactics for collecting more reviews in a compliant way. Use these strategies to give your product the social proof it needs to succeed on Amazon.
Key Takeaways:

    • Use Amazon Vine when launching new products. This program lets you enroll products to receive up to 30 free reviews from vetted Amazon reviewers. It costs $200 per parent SKU but can give you a major boost out the gate.

    • After the Vine reviews come in, tap your friends and family network (in a careful way). Have them organically purchase and leave honest reviews. Space these out over time and avoid reviewers who share your IP address.

    • Send review requests to customers. Amazon allows this directly from the orders page. Use browser extensions like Jungle Scout to streamline the process. Wait at least 2-3 weeks so customers have time to try the product.

    • Check the review dashboard for any 1-3 star reviews and reach out to dissatisfied customers. Offer assistance or refunds, but never ask for reviews to be changed or deleted.

    • Create a review funnel using marketing inserts. Drive traffic to a landing page that rewards customers and nudges them to leave Amazon reviews before redirecting to your product page. This builds your email list too.

Getting reviews requires patience and persistence, but it’s essential for every Amazon seller early on. Use these proven strategies to kickstart your product’s credibility and social proof. Don’t take shortcuts that violate Amazon’s terms of service. Maintain a long-term, customer-focused mindset with reviews.  
What’s worked for building up your Amazon product reviews? Have you tried any of these strategies?

Ready to get more Amazon reviews and boost your product's credibility?