Plattinum Passport

A very brief encounter at a church and another encounter filled with one week of conversations, meals and activities at a church convention, led to friendship, love and marriage three months later. Find out more about the love story that began over 52 years ago and continues today in the Plattinum Love Café featuring Hattie & Clinton Platt.
For more than 52 years, Clinton and Hattie Platt have shared a passion for and commitment to developing a strong and loving marriage and family.
During his 35-year tenure at Verizon, Clinton worked in a variety of positions and leadership roles. When he retired, he started CHCG Telephone Installation and Repair. He has also held multiple leadership positions in ministry and the community over the years. With more than 30 years of management experience in the financial services industry, Hattie has a heart for educating people about and helping them to discover financial resources for their life. She has served in several leadership roles in her church and community throughout the years. In her spare time, she enjoys interior design and gardening.
Both Clinton and Hattie remain active in their community and church and are proud parents of Clenise and Gabriel. Clinton and Hattie provide insight and presentations on several subjects including marriage, family and finances with The Plattinum Group.