Plattinum Passport

Plattinum Passport


June 21, 2023

Have you ever thought about just up and leaving it all behind? Your work, your belongings, your home . . . EVERYTHING?!!! Would you actually do it? In 2022 LaShon and Steven McKay ACTUALLY did! And so began a brand new life adventure for the couple. 


Steven and LaShon McKay have been married since 1998. They have two adult children, and two granddaughters with a third on the way. Steven served in the US Army and has worked primarily in security and corrections since leaving the military in 1999. His last position was as the Quality Control Supervisor with Newport News Juvenile Services where he worked for 13 years. LaShon worked with several institutions in the field of finance. Her last position was at Old Dominion University. 

After some research in January 2021, Steven and LaShon decided to plan for an early retirement and travel and live abroad. The original plan was to leave after 2-3 years, but after the pandemic and rapidly increasing home values, they accelerated their timeline. At the end of February 2022, they quit their jobs, and sold their home and moved to Ecuador on March 31st. To document their experiences, the McKay’s began a Youtube channel in September 2022. Their audience has grown steadily, and they also have two additional channels focused on their hobbies.  

Steven contacted Plattinum Passport to share the couple’s story after he saw a piece about the podcast on the local news on the ABC affiliate, WVEC-13. You may follow Steven & LaShon on their journey at

Click here to see Clenise’s interview about the Plattinum Passport podcast with WVEC -13 anchor Ashley Smith.