Planet Beyond

Planet Beyond

Short: Plastic Punch and Citizen Science

June 12, 2024

In this episode of Planet Beyond, host Jon Baston-Pitt speaks with Richmond Quarcoo, founder and director of Plastic Punch. Richmond shares the origins of Plastic Punch, which began after discovering sea turtles tangled in plastic waste along the beaches in Ghana. The organisation uses citizen science to address marine litter and inspire behavioural change. One key initiative is beach cleanups, which not only help protect turtle nesting sites but also collect data on the sources of pollution. This data is used to identify and hold accountable the companies responsible for producing the plastic waste.

Richmond discusses the limitations of recycling, arguing it has not proven to be an effective solution to plastic pollution. Instead, Plastic Punch emphasises reduction and reuse, encouraging community members to adopt sustainable practices like using reusable bottles and bags. The organisation is also developing innovative packaging solutions from vegetable fibres and promoting water dispensing machines to reduce plastic bottle usage. Richmond highlights the importance of redesigning products and collective action to combat transboundary pollution and protect the ocean.

Tune in to hear more about Plastic Punch’s inspiring work and their approach to tackling the plastic pollution crisis through community engagement, data-driven advocacy, and innovative solutions. Richmond’s insights underscore the need for systemic change and collective responsibility in preserving our oceans.


Jon Baston-Pitt


Richmond Quarcoo, Co-founder & executive director, Plastic Punch