Planet Beyond

Planet Beyond

IPF 2024: Offshore wind innovation

June 10, 2024

How will innovation impact the future of the offshore industry?

In this fourth episode of the Planet Beyond IPF mini-series, recorded live at the IPF conference in New Orleans, we discuss the cutting-edge innovations shaping the burgeoning offshore wind industry in the US.

Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by guests Deanne Hargrave of Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind and Chad Pastor of Fugro to explore the unique challenges faced, from navigating complex seabed conditions to evolving government regulations, and how innovative solutions such as VirGeo and Innomar deep-36, are addressing these hurdles.


Jon Baston-Pitt, Fugro


Deanne Hargrave, Geoscience Manager, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind

Chad Pastor, Applied Technologies Manager, Fugro