Planet Beyond

Planet Beyond

IPF 2024: Offshore wind and sustainable ocean management

May 28, 2024

How can the offshore wind industry balance environmental stewardship, community engagement, and economic growth to drive the global energy transition?

In this episode, recorded live at the International Partnering Forum (IPF) in New Orleans, Jon Baston-Pitt is joined by Karen Baker, and Jean-Stéphane Naas, to discuss the challenges of marine spatial planning, community engagement, and biodiversity conservation.

The conversation also delves into the complexities of regulatory processes and the urgency of addressing climate change. The guests discuss innovative approaches to streamline permitting and enhanced data transparency, ensuring decisions are both scientifically sound and socially responsible. Join us as we unpack these critical topics and reveal strategies for a sustainable, equitable and just ocean economy.


Jon Baston-Pitt, Fugro


Karen Baker, Chief of Office of Renewable Energy Programs, BOEM

Jean-Stéphane Naas, Project Coordinator & Offshore Wind Lead, Ocean Stewardship Coalition, United Nations Global Compact

Photo credit

Nicolas Job / Ocean Image Bank