Pinstripe Lanes Podcast - New York Yankees (Unofficial)

Episode 29: The London Series, NYY Steak and More with a 24-Year Season Ticket Holder
So excited for the second-half of what is shaping up to be a special season in Yankees Universe. We return from the All-Star break by first letting you know where you can buy the now sold-out Yankees short-sleeve hoodie that the players and manager have been wearing as the temperatures warmed up.Then we move to our guest this week – it’s his first time on but he’s no stranger to the podcast as we’ve mentioned him a number of times and he’s a regular listener. Eric Lipkind has been a Yankee season ticket holder for 24 years. We’ll find out the benefits of that, plus his thoughts on attending the London Series.As always, thanks for rating/reviewing/subscribing wherever you found us. It means the world!