Piltch Point (Video)

Piltch Point (Video)

Microsoft Surface, Windows 10 & Build - Episode 81

May 09, 2015

This week, Avram Piltch has the biggest show and tell yet, bringing 2 different products and 3 separate topics. First is the new Surface 3 from Microsoft, the theoretical successor but major step forward for the base Surface model. Upgrading from an ARM processor to an Intel, and from Windows RT to full Windows 8.1, this makes the Surface 3 a true productivity device.

The future of the Surface is Windows 10, which is in its technical preview phase. That preview received an update, with tons of new features and bug fixes. Chief among these additions is Outlook Mail and Calendar, the replacements for Windows Mail and Calendar. These new apps fix a number of the issues of their predecessors, namely the lack of POP3 access in email.

The upcoming Build Conference, which Avram will attend, likely has a lot of news about Windows, for the Surface, phone and other devices. One of those devices is HoloLens, Microsoft's Augmented reality platform, which is poised to change the way we interact with out computers forever. The surprise reveal several months ago showed promise, but what will the future hold, and who will make apps for the platform? Build is likely to reveal that information.