Pierian X

Pierian X

Latest Episodes

Netflix and Chiiilll
April 25, 2020

Peace and Love. This episode is discussing “temporary and permanent people” and the root cause of not knowing the difference. TAP IN

Mindful Mirror
December 05, 2019

A insightful look at how powerful you are as an individual who has the ability to uplift and to encourage yourself in times where it is most needed. And a descriptive game plan to defeat procrastination which is the catalyst to staying in the same situati

November 22, 2019

Speaking positive and dealing with the system of progressive happiness

Pierian X (Trailer)
November 22, 2019

Shame. Blame. Self victimization. And discovering self love and confidence
June 11, 2019

Today I am discussing identifying spiritual leeches that distract you from finding your purpose.

April 03, 2019

Taking a insightful look on life and beautifying the phases of evolution.