Pickle Planet Podcast

Pickle Planet Podcast

Pickle Planet Podcast: How to Show Up for Yourself

April 30, 2020

Natalie Davison is a marketer, a mom, and a bright light when it comes to finding your own voice. She joined us on our last episode of Season One to talk about how her year of 'Nat Leave' helped her discover direction in both her personal and her professional life. (You can find that episode here.) She's back to share her insights gleaned from more than 40 days at home during the COVID-19 pandemic -- and how diving into the world of Tiktok brought forth another lesson in showing up for yourself.

For more on Natalie and her business, visit https://www.madeofmarrow.com/. You can find her on Tik Tok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@natdavison

For more on co-host Tosh Taylor, visit https://podcasthub.ca/

For more on Pickle Planet and co-host Jenna Morton, visit https://www.pickleplanetmoncton.com/

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