Pickerington Church of Christ

Pickerington Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

Costly Mission
November 26, 2017

Everything in life has a cost. Living a life on mission with Jesus Christ comes with a cost and disciples of Jesus Christ must decide if they are willing to sacrifice. Doing so will demand endurance and come with incredible reward. Matthew 9:9-13

Urgent Mission
November 19, 2017

To live a life dedicated to our mission we must have a sense of urgency. Urgency is formed when the stakes are high and things matter. What is at stake in the disciple making mission is eternity. Staying grounded by this reality will move us to have urge

Clarity in Mission
November 12, 2017

Knowing we have a mission is key, but knowing exactly what to do releases us to work. Jesus has been explicit in describing for us what He has called us to do. Go – Make – Disciples. This mission involves change, investment, and a life-long p

Mission Received
November 05, 2017

The most powerful mission anyone can engage in is one that is given to them by someone they respect and adore. We, as created beings, were designed by our Creator with a mission from the very beginning – to bring glory to Him in all things. Our lif

Fighting Together
October 29, 2017

As humans we were designed to be in community. In the right community the best version of us comes alive. For us to have victory over Satan and fight this battle well, we will need to do this together. No soldier heads off in to battle alone, and no Chri

The Prayer of Perseverance
October 22, 2017

For the solider of God to wear the armor well they must remain in constant contact with their leader. Prayer is the avenue by which we find our strength to continue fighting and find our victory. Ephesians 6:18-20

Finding Fellowship in Christ
October 22, 2017

We were made by community and for community. This is why all people seek to find some kind of connection. Our ultimate connection is with our Creator. Once that is right, all else can become right. If we seek to fill our connection need with others befor

The Sword of the Spirit
October 15, 2017

Looking closely at the weapon of choice for the Roman soldier, Paul immediately declares that the Christian’s weapon is God’s Word. Its purpose is to kill the work of the Devil. His lies and deception designed to lure you away from Christ. It

The Helmet of Salvation
October 08, 2017

The helmet of the soldier was a beautiful piece of armor. It displayed the confidence the soldier should have in battle. Likewise, it was powerful and could withstand anything the enemy tried to do to destroy the solider’s head. Christians, in batt

The Shield of Faith
October 01, 2017

The enemy attacks in many different ways. One deadly way is with his flaming arrows. These come out of nowhere, unexpected, and cause serious harm to our position in Christ. We must have and use our shield of faith to be fully protected against these dan