PhotoBizX The Ultimate Wedding and Portrait Photography Business Podcast

PhotoBizX The Ultimate Wedding and Portrait Photography Business Podcast

562: Jessica McGovern – How to target and attract high-end photography clients

April 21, 2024

Premium Members, click here to access this interview in the premium area

Jessica McGovern of produces THE most stunning dog and horse photography you will see. I mean it; her work is truly breathtaking.

She works with clients both on location and in the studio. On her website, she says that most clients tend to invest between £500 and £3000 in their photographic session and artwork afterwards.

She is based in the UK and is an international multi-award-winning photographer, which is unsurprising if you check out her Instagram feed, let alone her website.

She brands herself as Yorkshire’s high-profile dog and horse photographer.

In addition to her photography, she and her husband, Dan, are behind the online and in-person photography training platform That Tog Spot.

In this interview, Jessica shares how she targets high-end, upper-echelon clients in her pet photography business. As always, you can apply what she shares to your photography business, no matter the genre you focus on.

Here's some more of what we covered in the interview:

  • Expert Photography Business Insights: Jessica shares insights into her successful photography business and online training platform.
  • Work-Life Balance and Diversification: Focus on work-life balance, diversification, and effective marketing strategies.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies: Jessica's marketing agency focuses on corporate branding, while her photography business thrives on referrals.
  • Boosting Client Spending: Adjusting pricing and sales sessions led to a significant increase in client spending.
  • Privileged Clientele and Exclusive Services: High-end clients value privacy and exclusivity in photography services.
  • Targeting English Families & Farming Community: Jessica targets wealthy traditional English families and the UK farming community.
  • Crafting Profitable Client Areas: Mental mindset and targeting the right client areas are crucial for profitability.
  • Strategies for Attracting High-End Clients: Understanding high-end clients' interests, like country pursuits.
  • Marketing Tips & Event Value: Proactive marketing approaches and networking are emphasized.
  • Rethinking Business Cards for Networking: Using mini brochures instead of business cards is more effective for networking.
  • Tailored Sales Strategies: Sales strategies focus on offering multiple wall art pieces and tailored packages.
  • Consistency Editing Techniques: Consistent editing techniques in Lightroom and Photoshop are essential.
  • Nurturing Business Acumen & Artistry: Balancing business skills with artistic talent is key for success.

Jessica McGovern Photography Podcast

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You'll also receive access to the members-only Secret Facebook Group, where you can connect with other Premium Members and interview guests to help, support and motivate you to take ideas you hear in each episode and put them into action. The group also has FB live video tutorials, role-play, and special live interviews. You will not find more friendly, motivated, caring and sharing photographers online.

I love work. And the reason why is I find it fulfilling. It doesn't feel like work most of the time. I think that's the best place that anybody can end up at. – Jessica McGovern

Seriously, that's not all.

In addition to everything above, you'll get access to instructions on forming or joining a MasterMind Group with other premium members. These groups are super motivating, make you accountable, and build friendships with other pro photographers with motives similar to yours – to build a more successful photography business.

Jessica McGovern Photography Podcast

What is your big takeaway?

Following this interview, I’d love to know if you're taking anything from what Jessica shared. Is there something you heard that excited or motivated you to the point where you thought, yeah, I'm going to do that! If so, leave your thoughts in the comments below; let me know your takeaways and what you plan to implement in your business based on what you heard in today's episode.

I would much rather give out a booklet than a business card. Because a business card is often… just gonna get lost in a drawer somewhere. And it doesn't tell them anything. Whereas a little mini brochure, doesn't have to be massive, is something that feels nice. It's on brand. It looks nice. It's got examples in it. It's got information in. It's got some pricing in if you want it to have pricing in it. – Jessica McGovern

If you have any questions I missed or a specific question you’d like to ask Jessica or if you want to say thanks for coming on the show, feel free to add them in the comments area below.

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