Phoenix Foundation - A MacGyver Podcast

Phoenix Foundation - A MacGyver Podcast

RS1:E13 – “Large Blade”

January 14, 2017

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: January 13th, 2017 ---

After a helicopter crash, Mac, Jack, and pilot Cynthia must re-capture an escaped terrorist.

MISSION: Returning to Phoenix with a captive terrorist, Mac, Jack, and pilot Cynthia are shot out of the sky in Kazakhstan. They must find their captive and signal rescue crews in time to meet Patricia's replacement, their new boss.

This week's highlights include:

Check out fellow MacGyver Rewatch Podcast Mullets and Memories here!

Leyden jar (Electricity)
A Leyden jar, or Leiden jar, is a device that "stores" static electricity between two electrodes on the inside and outside of a glass jar. A Leyden jar typically consists of a glass jar with metal foil cemented to the inside and the outside surfaces, and a metal terminal projecting vertically through the jar lid to make contact with the inner foil. It was the original form of a capacitor (originally known as a "condenser").
Check out the article on wikipedia: