Phil's Philosophies

Phil's Philosophies

Tabloid Junkie Part II

May 17, 2021

“Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual. See, but everybody wants to believe all about it." Those were words that were sung by Michael Jackson in his 1995 song "Tabloid Junkie." Those words, couldn't be any more true 25 years later, when I woke up the morning of February 23rd, 2020. I was expecting a relaxed brunch with my girlfriend Natalia and some time spent with friends before we made the drive back to my grandparents' suburb outside of Atlanta.
But then the messages were bombarding my phone.
Let’s drink some tea, shall we?

Special guests include: Melanie Holmes, Michaela Lewin, Elizabeth Quiñones, Aimee Anunciacion, and Madeline Mace.

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