Sermons from the pew

Sermons from the pew

HIdden Ones, humility & love

July 04, 2020

As a flawed humans, we understand the expression – find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life – indeed “love” is a secret sauce and it clears the room of fear, anxiety and disappointment – you see love makes the burden light. i.e., doing the dishes after dinner because your love your company is a lot easier than doing the dishes because you were told.

We hear about how our spiritual journey is true exercise, that with repetition it becomes easier, that our spiritual “muscles” or ability to “flex and stretch” grows with the more we pray.  Indeed prayerful conversation with Jesus allows us to fall more in love with HIM, to the point of not sensing the days pass, to the point of preparing our souls for life eternal with him. Yes, the burden is light and the yoke easy

Lastly, we lean that the humility is a our superpower, we learned that we are to live with the Holy Spirit and that forgiveness, being forgiven that going to confession makes flat the pathway of Jesus – that love attracts, and that by loving Jesus, we are no longer burdened in delivering his message of love to our family, friends and community.