Animal Wise Radio
Animal Wise Radio from September 14, 2014
Today on Animal Wise Radio, Mike and Beth dig into some data, peer into the future of the No-Kill Movement, and look under the covers at consultants vying for community dollars and contracts in order to eventually reach a promised no-kill target of a 90%+ live release rate from community shelters.
Are some consultants misrepresenting what they know and what they've accomplished? Whether you call it "getting to zero," or "No-Kill" is beside the point. We'll look at marketing claims and some communities in transition, as well as talk about what steps have been proven to work. We'll muse over the idea of transparency with respect to the work as well.
And don't miss Michael Mountain of He reviews and updates us on the Non-Human Rights Project's fascinating work, and their effort to represent Tommy, a captive chimp in New York, and several other captive primates, as deserving of the legal status of "personhood."