Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from May 4, 2014

May 04, 2014

Today Animal Wise Radio's Mike and Beth meet with two leaders in their respective fields, both "outside the box" people.

Nathan Winograd of the No Kill Advocacy Center joins us to talk about the upcoming release of his film, "Redemption - the No Kill Revolution in America." He'll also give us a bird's eye view of the No Kill Movement today (

We'll also check in with Dr. Fox about bugs that pet people dread . . . fleas and ticks! Marketers make us think that flea and tick treatments are harmless benefit for healthy pets and happy homes. Dr. Fox has a unique ability to see the connections between people, "bugs," wild creatures and the world we share. He's got thoughts about these chemicals and what alternatives can work (

And Michael Mountain of Earth in Transition ponders the implications of a study that should open our minds to a different and better way of looking at our fellow beings in, Mice, Men and Women.