Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from January 19, 2014

January 19, 2014

Today Animal Wise Radio is pleased to welcome Elizabeth Kucinich.She is an organic food & vegan advocate, a champion for peace, animals and the environment. She is the director of policy at the Center for Food Safety, the producer of two documentaries, and a socially conscious business owner. She is also the wife of US Representative Dennis Kucinich.

We're also pleased to reconnect with Davyd Smith of No-Kill Colorado and Colorado keeps shaking up the local animal rescue landscape with creative campaigns and challenges to failing shelters - we'll do our best to keep up with him!

And Michael Mountain of Earth in Transition interviews Guy McPherson, Prof. Emeritus of Nat. Resources and Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology at the U of AZ.

As the Professor takes account of the multitude of challenges to our planet and its inhabitants, he's also thoughtful about how one should live when standing on a razor's edge.