Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from August 4, 2013

August 04, 2013

Today, Animal Wise Radio welcomed back two favorite guests this week for new conversations. Susan Thixton is the super hero behind She's a self identified "Chief Nuisance" in the pet food industry, advocating for transparency, safety and ultimately your pet's health. Find out why YOU should join the Association for Truth in Pet Food.

One of Austin, Texas' hard working animal advocates and member of the Animal Advisory Board, Larry Tucker joins us to look back at Austin's move to No-Kill up to today. We look at this story in the context of No-Kill communities reaching out to aspiring communities like Huntsville Alabama. Before, during and after Austins' transition to no kill, people who actively advocate killing shelter pets, including representatives of PETA, spread misinformation about no kill in Austin. They are still doing it today to try to keep no kill from spreading. Larry will help us navigate the through the lies.

Michael Mountain muses over test tube meat. Is it on your cafe's table?