Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

Join Mike and Beth for a spicy edition of Animal Wise Radio!

We welcome Nathan Winograd of the No-Kill Advocacy Center to talk about PETA's ongoing battle against the No-Kill Movement, and the programs leading to success in shelter reform and life saving for companion animals. PETA had a very bad week and it all started with an article he wrote for Huffington Post.

We also welcome Margaret Gates, the hard working founder of, a ground breaking and informative site for cat owners (Dog owners too!) With help from a stellar cast of board members, she's been raising awareness around how commonly fed cat foods and disease are closely linked, and how we can turn this around if we reconsider how we feed our cats.

Does diabetes need to be the epidemic that it currently is in our cat and dog populations? Hear why, "No!" is a realistic answer.

Earth in Transition's Michael Mountain speaks of how we humans walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs literally, and figuratively, in an ongoing cycle of our dynamic earth.