Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from February 17, 2013

February 17, 2013

Animal Wise Radio hosts Mike and Beth are pleased to welcome back Davyd Smith, founder of Colorado based PeopleFud, human quality food for your dog. Davyd is a busy man, writing books about your pup's health and food, promoting No-Kill in Colorado, making great dog food and supporting no-kill shelters with the

We'll talk about his work at PeopleFud, with no-kill CO and about Just One Day 2013 - a day for shelters of all kinds to sign up and embrace the programs of the No-Kill Equation.

We'll also talk about the right to patent life with Bill Freese, Sr. Policy Analyst with the Center for Food Safety. They've been tracking legal changes in the US that have turned our seed stock into corporate intellectual property, and have enabled international chemical and seed giants like Pioneer, Syngenta, Dow and Monsanto to put a legal stranglehold on farmers and the centuries old practice of seed saving.

Learn about how corporate bullying affects farmers, consumers and our land.

And hear what Mark Twain and Michael Mountain have to say about vivisection. What does the recent 10 Year study about mouse drug trials tells us about the practice of animal testing? Is our scientific establishment willing to hear it?