Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from February 10, 2013

February 10, 2013

Today's guests on Animal Wise Radio give thoughtful voice to some complex and hot issues...

With Peter Wolf of, we'll review the recent coverage of the Smithsonian study reviewing, "The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States." As multiple media outlets simply exclaimed over the casualty numbers represented in this paper, Peter asks us to think for a moment, and to consider a few pertinent questions as we digest the information presented.

We'll keep our brains working as we talk with Brian Devore of the Land Stewardship Project. The current climate of "energy independence" and "job creation" leads to blind spots when it comes to how we steward the land, air and water. We'll talk about the messy intersection between "clean natural gas," hydrofracking, frac sand mining, farming, land use policy, and safe and clean air and water.

And Michael Mountain of muses about the industry of captive animals and entertainment, and when rare isn't so rare.

Mike and Beth will also talk about a bill working its way through the Minnesota House of Representatives that will protect animals in animal shelters, some strange opposition to it, and what you can do to support it.