Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio

Animal Wise Radio from January 13, 2013

January 13, 2013

Animal Wise Radio calls repeatedly on Dr. Michael Fox to help tackle tough questions, and today is no exception.

With awareness growing around unnecessary shelter killing, how animals are disposed of is coming more to light. Gas chambers have been banned in a number of states, yet most still allow this method. Petitions circulate, the AVMA weighs in, yet reforms are slow in many parts of the U.S. Dr. Fox will inform and help us understand why we should ban this practice.

We'll switch gears and take a winter respite from cold and snow by checking in with Angie Durhman of ADGreenroof. She's one of our favorite horticulturists who looks at rooftops as an opportunity to improve our air and water as the climate is changing.

Michael Mountain of, writes about "Nellie the Elephant packing her trunk." You'll want to hear this promising piece!