Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst

S1E14 Information Overload ~ Finding Gold in Murky Waters
Building on prior episodes, Kristi shares ways to be aware of and distill the information you are absorbing. As we grow and expand, it's natural to reach outside of ourselves for wisdom, teachings, Truths. Eventually, that path needs to lead back to the heart of the matter ... to inner discernment, resonance, and Knowing. Gain a better understanding of this process, of what to look for, and ultimately how to hone in on and experience your own Higher Guidance, inner wisdom, gifts, spiritual toolbox, etc. Kristi shares exercises to help you connect with these innate systems and to see yourSELF and your life in new ways that allow you to expand beyond self-limiting beLIEfs and mental constructs that may be leading you to live a smaller verison of yourSELF.
How do our opportunities and strengths sometimes show up hidden in challenge or resistance? How can we find and reintegrate missing or lost parts of our BEing? We often set foot on a path of learning and discovery focused on the finish line. What if there is more to be had by extending that quest and sleuthing out the gold nuggets we have unconsciously hidden in plain sight!
Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst should not be solely used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, and is not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological treatment. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or online do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health and/or mental well-being.