Perfect Movie

Perfect Movie

Is Just Mercy a Perfect Movie? (with Chad Kemp)

July 10, 2020

If this ep feels a little different, that’s because it is. The guys start their new commitment of reviewing a movie – every other episode for a year – by a filmmaker of color. They are committed to listen, learn, and grow, and Just Mercy was the perfect movie to start with. They talk about empathy through displacement, perfect timing, imagery threads in films, and casting impossibly handsome dudes to represent impossibly heroic real-life people. Plus, two guests appear: The Chad and Arnold Schwarzeneger.

So what do you think? Is Just Mercy a Perfect Movie? Click “Vote” at the top of, follow us on Instagram (@twogomers), or like us on Facebook ( to weigh in!

We’ll reveal the results next week on our deep-dive Result Episode on The Bonus Disc ( and following week after on our Pixar episode. Happy voting, and happy viewing!