Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted

Perfectly Wasted Podcast Episode 27: Movie Remakes

May 04, 2017

This Episode:
I get Perfectly Wasted and rant on how movie studios continue to milk these stories for every penny they can. Please stop remaking moves into crap.

Basic Show Description:
DullOxide chatting(usually while a little tipsy) about random subjects(Mostly Nerdy Stuff) for about 10 minutes each show! Rambling on subjects from Cosplay to Technology and giving you 10 minutes Perfectly Wasted!

Segment 1 - Movie Remakes.
@0:30 - Why talk about this?
@0:55 - Spider-man remakes/reboots.
@1:35 - Part of the reason for these remakes.
@2:04 - Marvel is doing a little better.
@2:40 - Creativity is gone.
@3:15 - Cast beauty.
@3:52 - A lot of stories out there.
@4:20 - Spider-man a prime example.
@4:34 - Total Recall.
@5:03 - Recycling the same old stuff.
@5:21 - Magnificent 7.
@6:00 - If your gonna remake a hit.
@6:47 - Biggest money grabbers of all!
@7:03 - Beauty and the Beast.
@7:34 - Really blew the voices out imo.
@8:04 - More live action to come soon...
@8:26 - Why are they remaking so many movies.

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