When People Thrive, Companies Thrive with Dawn Shuler

When People Thrive, Companies Thrive with Dawn Shuler

Episode 216 – 6 regular habits to promote forward motion

May 17, 2022

When you have the right people in the right seats doing the right things, your business thrives. But how do you make sure that your people are working together at their top performance?

Forward motion is the goal of everything an organization does.  Here are 6 regular practices for leaders to implement with their employees for continuous forward motion:

  1. Groundhog Day exercise: After a project ends, discuss how you would do it differently if you had to do it again.
  2. Weekly coffee talks: Members of your team can come talk to you about anything as a check-in.
  3. Daily stand-up: Check in with your team member at the end of the day to discuss a win they had, a challenge they faced, and their priority for the next day.
  4. Regular conversation with your employees: Learn and support their goals.
  5. Make them feel part of the organization: Ask for their input and share what is going on.
  6. Know and focus on their strengths: Learn what they’re amazing at and pair tasks with their abilities.

Listen in as Dawn elaborates on these habits and why they’re so important.

Similar episodes: People process performance, People processes performance part 2, Right person, wrong seat

The post Episode 216 – 6 regular habits to promote forward motion first appeared on The Shuler Group LLC.