When People Thrive, Companies Thrive with Dawn Shuler

When People Thrive, Companies Thrive with Dawn Shuler

Episode 142 – Do I say something?

April 28, 2020

Since we are proponents of a strengths-based workplace and culture, we firmly believe in employees working and playing to their strengths.  We also recommend a collaborative communication and feedback model where employees ask for and constructively receive feedback, and managers productively communicate and give said constructive feedback.
That being said, what happens when an employee plays to her strengths and takes initiative when her manager is too overwhelmed to notice? Does she say something? Does she point it out?
Listen in as Dawn Shuler recounts an actual experience with a client and their recommended solution.
What would you recommend?
Other podcast episodes referenced:  Are you an A, B, or C player?, Are you purpose driven?, and What radio station are you tuned into?