Penny Forward

Penny Forward

Penny Forward Podcast S2E13 Holliday Budgeting Tips

December 07, 2021

For this last episode of 2021, we’re sharing a recording of a Zoom call hosted by our friend Mo Carpenter. She runs a Facebook group for blind parents called “Parenting Out Of Sight Kids,” and they host a biweekly zoom call discussing topics of interest to blind parents. During last month’s call, we had a conversation about staying on budget during the holidays. And it was such an enjoyable conversation that we wanted to share it with you. So, while you are enjoying the holidays with your friends and family, or reaching out to those who may be feeling isolated from their friends and family, we hope you will enjoy this discussion about budgeting during the holidays.

A full text transcript of this episode can be found at

Do you have a holiday budgeting tip you want to share? Continue the conversation in the Penny Forward Facebook group, a safe space to get support from the Penny Forward community.

The Penny Forward podcast is about blind people building bright futures one penny at a time. Subscribe by searching for “Penny Forward” using your favorite podcast app, ask your smart speaker to play the podcast, “Penny Forward”, check out the Penny Forward YouTube channel, or listen to all of our past episodes and read full text transcripts at

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