

Type 1 diabetes

April 06, 2022

Learn how to be a mini-endocrinologist as we talk about how to differentiate Type 1 from Type 2 diabetes and how to create a starter insulin regimen, among other things in today's podcast! 


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This episode was written by Dr. Tammy Yau and Dr. Lidia Park with content support from Dr. Caroline Schulmeister, Dr. Lena van der List, and Dr. Su-Ting Li. Drs. Tammy and Lidia take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation. 

Key points: 

-There are specific clinical criteria for diabetes 

-There are some differences to help distinguish between type 1 versus type 2 diabetes 

-Learn about how to manage diabetes on the inpatient floor, including how to calculate total daily insulin dose, correction factors, and carbohydrate ratios. 


Supplemental information: 

Pediatrics in Review 2013: 

American Diabetes Association 2018 Position Statement: