

Community aqcuired pneumonia

July 15, 2024

Learn how to classify and manage pneumonia in today’s episode!

This episode was written by Dr. Tammy Yau and Dr. Lidia Park with content support from Dr. Natasha Nakra. Drs. Tammy and Lidia take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation. 

Key Points:

  • Pneumonia can be due to bacteria or viruses and there is no reliable way to distinguish the two
  • Pneumonia can be diagnosed clinically based on exam or with a CXR. Lab work is not always necessary
  • Treatment of bacterial pneumonia depends on if you think it is community acquired (first line amoxicillin), atypical (first line azithromycin), or nosocomial/hospital acquired (consider antibiotics for pseudomonal or MRSA coverage)

