Dr. M's Women and Children First Podcast

Dr. M’s SPA Newsletter Audiocast Volume 14 Issue 44
Treatment - sometimes it is just better to watch and wait.
Warts are a common ailment of childhood. Mostly a nuisance, sometimes a hindrance to function when located on the fingers and or areas of high use. There are two major types of wart type skin lesions - typical verrucous warts and molluscum contagiosum.
Google has great molluscum and wart Images
WARTS/MOLLUSCUM - To Treat Or Not To Treat?
Common warts and molluscum contagiosum lesions are benign, but bothersome viral skin lesions that are common in children. We see them all the time in clinic. A common viral wart is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infects the epithelium of the skin, leading to keratinocyte proliferation in the skin’s outer layer. This uncontrolled growth of the keratinocytes results in a thickened rough round lesion that we see. If the immune system fails to fully clear the virus, we see this lesion for months to years. Molluscum, caused by an unknown virus, follows a similar course with a dissimilar appearance. Neither molluscum nor warts have roots despite the myth propagated over the years. Molluscum lesions have a turbid white appearance under the umbilicated skin papule with the virus located within the upper skin layer. They are 1-4 mm in diameter. Viral warts are a little larger usually 3 -10 mm in size. They form a protective cap of dead skin (keratinocyte) cells and invade the deeper skin layer. The protective cap is rough like sand paper. Molluscum lesions peak around ages 2-7 years and for common warts the peak age is 7-15 years.... and more on a literature review.
Dr. M