IT in the D

IT in the D

This Week in Enterprise Tech with Lou Maresca of – IT in the D 468

October 19, 2023
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Every so often, you get that guest that flips the script of what you thought you could accomplish doing a tech podcast.

This week, we were lucky to chat to Lou Maresca of This Week in Enterprise Tech (TWiET) on

Lou has been podcasting as long as us, since 2013 and has produced over 500 episodes. If you’ve ever listened to his show, you know he truly gets into the weeds and his knowledge of the industry shows.

We started talking about the talent gap and what we can do to change it. We then went rapid-fire, talking everything from enterprise security to GenAI and even blockchain.

He’s truly a nerd’s nerd as we ended talking Star Wars: Ahsoka and Episodes 7–9. 

I highly suggest subscribing to his show if you are in or around the industry. With that said, we hope you enjoy this podcast!
