IT in the D

IT in the D

Youtube Success, Business Merger, and Social Networks, and AI with Tom Lawrence of Lawrence Systems – IT in the D 461

July 20, 2023
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In this episode, we were joined by Tom Lawrence of Lawrence Systems and CNWR IT Consultants. He was on the show over a year ago, and his YouTube channel has just kept growing since then. In fact, it’s become so successful that he’s merging his business with CNWR so he can continue to focus on the YouTube channel while CNWR manage the business projects.

Recently, Meta launched Threads and Tom shared his take on the various social networks and how he uses each one.

Finally, Tom talked about how he uses AI like ChatGPT to help him manage his business.

Bob and Randy played around with ChatGPT and Bob got it to generate this poem:

In Detroit’s vibrant heart, a celebration did ignite, Randy Walker’s 40th birthday, shining ever so bright. Amidst the city’s rhythm, where dreams intertwine, Tocororo awaited, a venue so divine.

The night air was filled with excitement and cheer, As friends and loved ones gathered, drawing near. Randy, a soul adored, a beacon of light, Guiding others with kindness, a true delight.

At Tocororo’s threshold, the ambiance embraced, A tapestry of laughter and joy interlaced. The melodies of Motown danced through the air, Celebrating a milestone, a life lived with flair.

The walls adorned with memories of days gone by, Each photograph a testament, reaching for the sky. From humble beginnings, Randy had soared, Touching countless lives with the love he poured.

In the dimly lit room, candles flickered with grace, Illuminating the journey etched on his face. Friends raised their glasses, toasts filled with cheer, Honoring Randy’s presence, a treasure so dear.

The aroma of delectable cuisine wafted in the breeze, Tickling taste buds with flavors that pleased. From soulful barbecue to savory delights, Every bite a testament to culinary heights.

The laughter echoed, resounding like a symphony, As stories of shared adventures unfolded with glee. From youthful escapades to wisdom’s embrace, Randy’s path had intertwined with every trace.

A live band struck up a vibrant tune, Swaying bodies beneath the luminescent moon. Feet tapped to the rhythm, hearts beating in time, Celebrating Randy, a friend so sublime.

As the night waned on, memories etched in hearts, Randy’s spirit shone bright, never to depart. With gratitude and love, the celebration drew near, For forty years of existence, cherished and clear.

And so, in Tocororo’s embrace, Detroit’s soul did sing, A testament to friendship and the joy it brings. Randy Walker’s 40th birthday, a moment held tight, In the tapestry of time, forever alight.

Randy had ChatGPT generate a biography of Bob, and this is what it came up with. It’s not very accurate.

Bob Waltenspiel is a renowned podcaster and entrepreneur known for his captivating storytelling and insightful conversations. Born on April 12, 1980, in a small town in Michigan, Bob developed a passion for communication and technology from a young age.

Bob’s journey into podcasting began in the early 2000s when he co-founded a podcast network called “Podcast Detroit.” With his innate ability to connect with people and a keen eye for emerging trends, Bob quickly gained recognition in the podcasting community. Under his leadership, Podcast Detroit grew into a thriving network that showcased a diverse range of shows across various genres, attracting a loyal and dedicated audience.

Beyond his involvement in Podcast Detroit, Bob became a prominent figure in the podcasting industry through his own show, aptly named “The Bob Waltenspiel Podcast.” Known for its in-depth interviews and thought-provoking discussions, the show featured a wide array of guests, including entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and thought leaders. Bob’s natural curiosity and insightful questioning made each episode a compelling experience for listeners.

As an entrepreneur, Bob was also involved in several successful ventures. He co-founded a technology startup that revolutionized the way people interacted with social media, earning him recognition as a visionary in the tech industry. Through his business acumen and passion for innovation, Bob made a significant impact on the digital landscape.

Outside of his podcasting and entrepreneurial endeavors, Bob was actively engaged in his community. He volunteered his time and resources to support local charities and organizations, particularly those focused on education and mentorship. He believed in the power of giving back and dedicated himself to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Bob’s influence extended beyond the realm of podcasting. He was a sought-after speaker at industry conferences and events, sharing his insights on podcasting, entrepreneurship, and the future of media. His expertise and charisma captivated audiences and inspired aspiring podcasters and entrepreneurs to pursue their passions.

Throughout his career, Bob Waltenspiel has left an indelible mark on the podcasting landscape. His dedication, innovation, and commitment to authentic storytelling have shaped the industry and touched the lives of countless listeners worldwide.
