The Computer Tutor

The Computer Tutor

Latest Episodes

How to stop Gmail from adding events to your Google calendar
January 30, 2017

I use my Google calendar for just about everything that goes on in my life. This includes all of my onsite computer repair appointments here in Safety Harbor of course, but also birthday and anniversary reminders, dentist appointments,

How to check your computer’s hard drive for failure
January 23, 2017

Did you know there’s a free program you can run, and it will check your computer’s hard drive to see if it’s showing any signs of failure?   Disclaimer: This software is not foolproof, it’s just one of the best at detecting signs of hard drive failure...

Things that seem right but are really wrong
January 16, 2017

Sometimes there are things that on the surface seem to be true, but when you dig a little deeper you find out they aren’t true at all. Or, there might be something that you know in your head is false, but your mind still thinks about a different way.

Using Windows Live Mail? It’s now dead – time to switch
January 09, 2017

If you’re still using Windows Live Mail as your email program, you need to be aware that Microsoft support for this program ends on January 10, 2017. This means that there will be no more security updates – so when security problems are discovered,

What does the Paste Options box do in MS Word?
January 02, 2017

I use the Copy – Paste process every day, and you probably do as well. For the most part, it’s pretty straightforward – you choose a word or section of text and copy it from one location, then you go to another location and paste it.

Time to delete your Yahoo! account and all the data
December 26, 2016

I created my first Yahoo email account back in the late 1990s, but I stopped actively using it when Gmail introduced their email service and I made that switch. So that Yahoo account is still there, just not being used.

How to create a desktop shortcut in Windows 10
December 19, 2016

One of the changes Microsoft made with Windows 10 was how to create a shortcut to a file or a program and have that shortcut on the desktop screen.   A lot of people – myself included – weren’t too happy the first time we tried to make a shortcut to t...

How to get super-specific Google search results
December 12, 2016

Today’s tip came about as a result of a question from a reader, Mike. He wrote: “A topic for your podcast: How to limit search results. I use Google, Yahoo, and Duckduckgo for making searches. Today I happened to search for “episodic dvd ripper” and go...

How to add “Desktop shortcut” back to your “Sendto” menu
December 05, 2016

One of the most commonly-used processes on my computer is the ability to create a shortcut icon on the desktop. Just right-click on a a file and choose “Send to” and then “Desktop-create shortcut”. But sometimes that little “create shortcut” item can d...

Use CHKDSK like a geek to fix hard drive problems!
November 28, 2016

Want to check your hard drive for problems and have your computer fix them? Today I’ll show you how to do this using a method that’s usually only used by technicians, because the typical computer user is not aware of it.