The Computer Tutor

The Computer Tutor

More cool websites you might like

October 26, 2015

Every so often I do a post where I feature several websites that are interesting, informative, funny or just somehow intriguing in some way.


Documentary Addict
Whenever I go on Netflix, and I don't have anything specific in mind to watch, I tend to browse through the documentaries. And Netflix does have a lot of documentaries in their library of things to view. I don't know the exact number they have, but I would bet that Documentary Addict has a lot more. The current total they show is 5,257 but that is changing pretty regularly as they add new ones. There are documentary films here on just about any subject you can imagine.

If you're not looking for anything in particular, it can be a little overwhelming. But if that's the case, you can also check out their subsections such as "Just Added", or "The Week's MOST RIVETING" or the "Top 100" and you're sure to find some really good content. Or, you can just pick one of 26 categories to narrow it down to a particular field of interest.

And one other advantage of Documentary Addict - it's completely free.


The technology of faxing was pretty amazing when the first standard office fax machines were introduced back in the late 1980s. But let's face it - faxing is now an outdated form of transmitting/receiving documents. Fax machines that originally cost hundreds or thousands of dollars can hardly be given away now, because there are just other ways to accomplish this more efficiently and with higher resolution.

BUT - there are still some businesses and some individuals that use faxes. If you are dealing with one of them, it's rather unhandy if you don't have a way to send a fax from your location.

FaxZero allows you to have this ability, and it's free for most situations. You can create a document in Word, then go to the FaxZero website and upload that document with the fax number you want to send it to. It's free to send up to 3 pages + the cover page, and you are allowed to send up to 5 free faxes per DAY. This is probably perfect for that one time in 5 years that you need to do this (it certainly wouldn't make sense to own a fax machine for those rare occasions, not to mention you would need a regular telephone line and many people don't even have those at home anymore).

If you need to send a longer fax, it's just $1.99 per fax for up to 25 pages - still a bargain.


SuperCook Recipes
If you like to cook and you like trying new things, and you don't always feel very creative, this website could be a great tool for you. All you have to do is tell the website what ingredients you have on hand, and it will come up with a bunch of recipes for dishes that only use those ingredients.

For example, I went on the site and told it that I only have American cheese, eggs, a potato, and some sausage - and it came up with 70 different ideas for a meal. These included:

Swedish sausage potato cakes
Sausage and potato frittata
Salt-baked potatoes

And a bunch more. Of course, the more ingredients you have, the more options it will come back with. But for nights when it's suppertime and your brain is too tired to come up with something on its own, this website could help.


Amazon Filler Items
If you shop at Amazon, and of course you do because everyone does, you know that if your purchase is over $35 you probably qualify for free shipping (Amazon Prime members ignore this because you usually get free shipping anyway). So what if you want to buy something that's $33.99? Just a little bit more in your shopping cart and you'd get free shipping,