The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#309 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 1 of 6
May 30, 2022

"Good questions challenge your thinking. They reframe and redefine the problem. They throw cold water on our most dearly held assumptions, and force us out of our traditional thinking. They motivate u

#308 - Daily MG - The Latticework - 6 of 6
May 28, 2022

Today, we're talking about how the map is not the terrain.

#307 - Daily MG - The Latticework - 5 of 6
May 27, 2022

Systems thinking takes into account the structure of the system, the agents and their interactions/incentives, and the dynamics of the system (a system’s behavior over time).

#329 - Daily MG - Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - 3 of 6
May 26, 2022

“The day you graduate from childhood to adulthood is the day you take full responsibility for your life.” - Darren Hardy

#305 - Daily MG - The Latticework - 3 of 6
May 25, 2022

It's important to understand and honor the fact that reality doesn't reward effort. It rewards utility and effectiveness.

#303 - Daily MG - The Latticework - 1 of 6
May 23, 2022

A latticework is usually used in home improvement projects.

#302 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 6 of 6
December 18, 2021

“Indian researchers investigating the “biochemistry of belief”—a phrase I love because it captures the mind-body connection so precisely—wrote that “each and every tiny cell in our body is perfectly a

#301 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 5 of 6
December 17, 2021

“I won, crossing the finish line with my arms raised. My time was 14:54. I’d broken the world record held by Paula, a competitor whom, two weeks earlier, I hadn’t considered beating...I caught my brea
