The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#319 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 5 of 6
June 10, 2022

"Silencing the advice giver: If you want to share news or a personal dilemma with a pal, relative, or colleague who is often quick to give you their unsolicited opinion, you can set them up for succes

#318 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 4 of 6
June 09, 2022

"The 3 Rs. Recognize. What’s not working for you? How do you feel in your body? Are you reminded of a historical situation, and is that contributing to the sensations in your body? Focus on you and yo

#317 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 3 of 6
June 08, 2022

"Gratitude Practice Among: Equally important is developing a regular practice of recognizing all that is right in your life, right now. Take a moment to conjure your real feelings of gratitude for the

#316 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 2 of 6
June 07, 2022

"Many people get confused about the difference between shame and guilt, so let me clarify: guilt feels like you did something wrong, while shame feels like you, as a person, are wrong." - Terri Cole

#315 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 1 of 6
June 06, 2022

"...the only apology that matters is changed behavior." - Terri Cole

#314 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 6 of 6
June 04, 2022

"Harry Emerson Fosdick said that a person wrapped up in himself makes a pretty small package." - Andrew Sobel

#313 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 5 of 6
June 03, 2022

"Listen aggressively. Listen attentively. Listen to the silence. Listen with your eyes. Listen!" - Andrew Sobel

#312 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 4 of 6
June 02, 2022

"People crave two things above all else. They seek appreciation and they want someone to listen to them." - Andrew Sobel

#311 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 3 of 6
June 01, 2022

"‘What do you think?’”.... Those four words, What do you think?, are powerful. You are seeking an opinion. The person you're talking with wants you to listen. You've heard about people who talk too mu

#310 - Daily MG - Power Questions by Andrew Sobel - 2 of 6
May 31, 2022

"Good questions challenge your thinking. They reframe and redefine the problem. They throw cold water on our most dearly held assumptions, and force us out of our traditional thinking. They motivate u
