The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#330 - Daily MG - Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - 4 of 6
June 23, 2022

"The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not." - Darren Hardy

#328 - Daily MG - Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - 2 of 6
June 21, 2022

"Because I chose to not be completely responsible for the business, in the end, I was responsible for the results." - Darren Hardy

#327 - Daily MG - Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - 1 of 6
June 20, 2022

“What percentage of shared responsibility do you have in making a relationship work?” I was a teenager, so wise in the ways of true love. Of course I had all the answers. “Fifty/fifty!” I blurted out.

#326 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 6 of 6
June 18, 2022

"...nothing happens to me; it happens because of me." - Grant Cardone

#325 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 5 of 6
June 17, 2022

"“How do you stay motivated?” The answer? I create new reasons to keep showing up." - Grant Cardone

#324 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 4 of 6
June 16, 2022

"An “excuse” is a justification for doing—or not doing—something. I think the dictionary implies that it's a “reason.” However, in reality, an excuse usually turns out to be something other than the r

#323 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 3 of 6
June 15, 2022

"There can never be enough wood on your fire. You can never take too much action or accumulate too much success. There is no such thing as being talked or written about excessively, being covered too

#322 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 2 of 6
June 14, 2022

"When bad things happen to good people, I assure you that the good people had more to do with it than they take responsibility for." - Grant Cardone

#321 - Daily MG - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone - 1 of 6
June 13, 2022

"Assume control and increase responsibility by adopting the position that you make all things happen, even those things you have previously considered to not be under your control." - Grant Cardone

#320 - Daily MG - Boundary Boss by Terri Cole - 6 of 6
June 11, 2022

"Scripts for assorted boundary behavior: Saying No “I have other priorities, but I am sending good vibes for you to figure this one out.” “As you know, it’s my busy season at work. So, unfortunately,
