The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

The Mental Game Powered by The Pazik Performance Group

Latest Episodes

#300 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 4 of 6
December 16, 2021

“I got out fast. Later, I heard that Lornah Kiplagat from Kenya was in front of me for the first 400 meters. I don’t remember her at all. In fact, I don’t remember any of the competitors. I looked up

#299 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 3 of 6
December 15, 2021

“The answer came on the plane ride home. I had gone to the starting line knowing I could run with the best in the world but not believing I could beat them. I had limited myself by setting a goal base

#298 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 2 of 6
December 14, 2021

"Heading into the Kinney championships junior year, I wanted to win." - Deena Kastor

#297 - Daily MG - Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor - 1 of 6
December 13, 2021

"The course was full of sharp turns and hills, like a roller coaster, and I pictured myself as a fast-flying car, zipping around turns, chugging up hills, and barreling down them." - Deena Kastor

#296 - Daily MG - What Are You Doing With Your Life by J. Krishnamurti - 6 of 6
December 11, 2021

"Freedom must be sought out - freedom from saviors, teachers, leaders; freedom from the self-enclosing walls of goo dand bad; freedom from authority and imitation; freedom from self, the cause of conf

#295 - Daily MG - What Are You Doing With Your Life by J. Krishnamurti - 5 of 6
December 10, 2021

"You know what caring is? If you care, when you plant a tree, you care for itl you cherish it; you nourish it... You have to dig deep before you plant, then see the soil is right, then plant, then pro

#294 - Daily MG - What Are You Doing With Your Life by J. Krishnamurti - 4 of 6
December 09, 2021

"You exist only in relationship." - J. Krishnamurti

#293 - Daily MG - What Are You Doing With Your Life by J. Krishnamurti - 3 of 6
December 08, 2021

"As long as success is our goal we cannot be rid of fear, for the desire to succeed inevitably breeds the fear of failure." - J. Krishnamurti

#278 - Daily MG - Golf‘s Sacred Journey by David L. Cook - 6 of 6
November 13, 2021

“The only thing more powerful than calling your shot is recalling a shot. What you just did is recall the shot from Wednesday. Always savor your shots, so you can take advantage of this most powerful

#277 - Daily MG - Golf‘s Sacred Journey by David L. Cook - 5 of 6
November 12, 2021

"There is only one thing in golf that you control, and that is your thoughts." - David L. Cook
