Good Cents by Payactiv

Good Cents by Payactiv

High-Paying Jobs Without a College Degree

March 28, 2024

Welcome to another episode of Good Cents by Payactiv! In this edition, your host Eric Rosenberg is joined by budgeting and personal finance expert Allison Baggerly from The Inspired Budget. Together, they explore lucrative career paths that don't require a college degree. From commercial pilots to electrical power line installers, dive into a variety of professions that offer considerable earning potential without the a formal degree. Join them as they uncover opportunities for financial success and inspire listeners to consider alternative paths to achieving their career and financial goals.

  • Overview of high-paying careers without college degrees: from pilots to power line installers.
  • Insights into earning potential and opportunities in aviation, firefighting, real estate, and trades.
  • On-the-job training and certifications for career success.
  • Thinking creatively about career paths for financial success.
  • How new career possibilities can lead to financial wellness.