Paws Rewind

Paws Rewind

Latest Episodes

Women Role Models and Cats — PR059
July 08, 2019

We are women, hear us roar! In this episode, we celebrate the women role models of the '70s and '80s. From Mary Tyler Moore to Ann Romano to Billie Jean King to Princess Leia, these independent dynamos showed us that we really could make it after all.

National Lampoon’s Vacation, Cats & More — PR058
July 01, 2019

We pack up the Family Truckster and hop on the holiday road with the Griswalds this week, and have opposite opinions about the hijinks en route to Wally World. Also included: the beauty of Google Calendar, staying present,

Famous Cats, Cat Food Commercials & More — PR057
June 24, 2019

An entire episode about cats? Sign us up! This week, you're in for a hiss-tory lesson about some of the famous cats of the '70s and '80s. Buckle up, Toonces, we're going for a ride! Also featured: retro cat food commercials (and one dog food one),

Father’s Day (Pa-ther’s Day), Cats, and More — PR057
June 17, 2019

This week, we're featuring one of the most memorable dads of the '70s and '80s: Charles "Pa" Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie. We muse over what kinds of treats would be gifted upon him if the holiday existed during his lifetime. For starters,

Famous Weddings, Cats, and More — PR056
June 10, 2019

In honor of Angie's upcoming wedding, we remember some of the biggest and wildest famous weddings of the '70s and '80s -- everything from the rock-n-roll-ness of Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear to the majesty (and giant sleeves) of Charles and Di.

Are You There, God? It’s Me Margaret and More — PR055
June 03, 2019

As the first of our ongoing reviews of the 70s/80s classics, we take on the quintessential coming-of-age book, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, by the literary goddess of puberty, Ms. Judy Blume. Also included: vintage sanitary products,

Novelty Songs, Wacky Hairstyles,Cats, and More — PR054
May 27, 2019

Remember those wacky songs from the 70s and 80s that made us laugh and/or annoyed the crap out of us? How about the haunting ones that gave us totally creepy feelings? We sure do, and are sharing some of our favorites on this week's episode.

Daniel Quagliozzi: The Karate Kid, Cats, and More — PR053
May 20, 2019

We wax on with cat consultant, Daniel "DQ" Quagliozzi, about the 1984 "kid moves from New Jersey to California and learns the Miyagi karate method to protect himself from bullies and basically feel awesome" classic, The Karate Kid.

Mother’s Day Showdown: Carol Brady or Shirley Partridge — PR052
May 13, 2019

We're celebrating Mother's Day by putting two quintessential TV moms in the "ring" to see who comes up grooviest. Yes, we're discussing Carol's famous shag hairdo. Then we close out the episode recalling our childhood pets and wondering why Fluffy the ...

My Tutor, Weird ’70s Ads, Cats, and More — PR051
May 06, 2019

This week, we tackle what one reviewer referred to as, "... the worst falling in love with my hot tutor' movie I've ever seen." That's right, friends, we studied the 1983 coming-of-age film, My Tutor just for YOU.