Direct Behavior Rating (DBR): Viable Progress Monitoring in MTSS Decision Making

March 30, 2020

Guest, Dr. Sandy Chafouleas, shared the Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) can be effective and efficient as a progress monitoring tool as well as a targeted screening tool.

Dr. Sandra M. Chafouleas is a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology within the Neag School of Education. She also serves as the founder and Co-Director of the UConn Collaboratory on School and Child Health (CSCH). Dr. Chafouleas received her Ph.D. in psychology (school) from Syracuse University and has been a licensed psychologist in Connecticut since 2001. Dr. Chafouleas has demonstrated continued success with extramurally funded research since 2006, with work focused on supporting school system implementation of evidence-informed practices and expertise in areas of integrated health and learning (whole child), school mental health, and behavior assessment. She has authored over 150 publications, and regularly serves as a national presenter and invited speaker.  She is a fellow in both the American Psychological Association and Association for Psychological Science, and is and Invited Member and Past-President of the Society for the Study of School Psychology.  She received the 2018 Edward C. Marth Graduate Mentorship award from the University of Connecticut AAUP; the 2018 UConn Alumni Foundation award for Faculty Excellence in Research and Creativity Award in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; the 2016 APA Division 16 Oakland Mid-Career Scholar Award; the 2009 UConn Alumni Association award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching; and previously served as associate dean for The Graduate School (2012-2014) and then the associate dean for research in the Neag School (2014-2016). Prior to becoming a university trainer, she worked as a school psychologist and school administrator in a variety of settings supporting the needs of children with behavior disorders.